It's happening again. This is the third year it's happened and it continues to be very strange. At intervals, different birds come swooping into the store with Vintage Book Gift Cards clutched in their talons and spreading their holiday cheer. We thought at first it was a shameless birdy promotion of our great gift cards - advertising at its lowest - but then we realized that the birds honestly really like our gift cards and want other people to know about them. Who knew birds were so into gift cards - or for that matter that birds can read - but we stand astonished. At the very least they seem very giving, gift oriented birds, interested in making others happy and we understand and appreciate that.
Anyway, I snapped some pics of these little fellas as they circled the cash registers this morning. You should come in and see them, and maybe purchase some gift cards for your loved ones while you take in this strange and (seemingly) annual event of nature.
Red one.
Pheasanty looking one.
Red one again. There was a Bald Eagle earlier, but my camera jammed and I missed him.
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